The existence of the mangrove forest in Kendari Bay is a special color for the people of Kendari City. With its ecological function, it can create local communities and outsiders to visit the area, including the Lahundape Mangrove forest. However, this condition is not supported by public awareness to preserve the mangrove forest as an ecotourism area. This is due to the lack of public understanding of the function of the existence of the mangrove ecosystem. Therefore, the socialization of the development of mangrove forests was carried out, followed by the planting of 200 mangrove seedlings and the creation of a mangrove nursery. This activity was attended by 30 community members who are members of the Community Empowerment and Youth Organization group of Lahundape Village. In addition, this activity was also attended by 40 students who are members of the Student Association of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Halu Oleo University. The results obtained from this activity are: 1) The knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of the people in the more advanced Lahundape Village approve the Lahundape Mangrove Forest Ecosystem to become an ecotourism area, 2) The existence of community service to clean the beach from organic waste will make the Lahundape Mangrove Forest area clean which of course it will be good for water and soil biota, 3) Planting mangrove seedlings in areas that are empty or rarely grow well, in the future will make mangrove forests denser which will increase the function of preventing seawater intrusion and abrasion, absorbing carbon, and supplying oxygen, 4)The establishment of a Mangrove Nursery will provide a supply of seeds for local and external needs which will have a positive impact on increasing community income.
Keywords: Mangrove Ecosystem; Ecotourism Area; Kendari City
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